Photo Adaptation / Pixabay/jhonatan_perez-4855933/

As we grow up into adult life, we face challenges in our everyday life. Some of the situations are simple and routine while others are difficult and complex. Job interview, conflict with friend or colleague, salary negotiation, medical opinion, buying a property or making an investment…….the difficult situations we face across our life time is simply endless. These situations test our abilities and skills. Some situations are critical as their outcome impacts our future life. We need to present our best self forward in these moments to do well.

Photo Adaptation / Pixabay/mintchipdesigns-522107

At times, we are not prepared well for these situations. Sometimes the situation is new and we do not know the correct response. We are caught off guard. Poor handling can set us back by few weeks, months and may be years. We all have gone through these situations and some of us many times.

We learn the correct response but often it is too late. We wish we had known the correct response before we face these situations. How can we prepare to respond to the life challenges in correct and better way?

What if we can learn the most commonly asked job interview questions, know the correct approach to answer Dos' and Don'ts. What if we can know about the challenging situations before we face. What if we have a repertoire of such situations to practice. What if we can practice and improve our answers and also seek timely support from our friends and mentors. Are you ready to ace?

Welcome to It is a collection of interesting situations and stories which provoke us to think, discover and practice. These stories provide an opportunity to enhance our skills. These stories are for all age groups to utilize our energies and time constructively and to enhance our skills to do well. increases our repertoire of creative solutions, insights and Aha moments to increase our chances of life success.