respects your privacy. We are committed to our users' privacy. Your contact details or any other personal information revealed to us during sign off or any other way is not shared to any third party, unless specifically permitted by you or as required by the law of land. Read our Privacy Policy .

By accessing (Web and or App Version, hereafter called Service) you agree to adhere to our Terms of Services (ToS) as below. is currently free and does not charge its users. Accessing it requires internet and you will need to contact your internet or mobile service provider.

You agree not to copy, distribute, display, disseminate, or otherwise reproduce any of the information pertaining to this Service without receiving our prior written permission. In order to use our Service, you must meet following conditions, including but not limited to the following.

You must not be less than 18 years of age. You must not use our Service if doing so would be in violation of your country laws. You must not post or send anything violent, threatening, pornographic, racist, hateful, or otherwise objectionable according to the opinion of or its delegates. You must not infringe on anyone’s intellectual property rights, defame anyone, impersonate anyone, or otherwise violate the rights of a third party. You must not hack, crack, phish, SQL inject, or otherwise compromise the security or integrity of the, its Service, or its Users’ devices. You must not do anything else which could bring into disrepute or violate the rights of any person.

We may revoke our consent for your use of our intellectual property, or any other permission granted to you under this Agreement, at any time. You agree that if we so request, you must take immediate action to remove any usage of our intellectual property that you may have engaged in, even if it would cause a loss to you. We make no representations or warranties as to the merchantability of our service or fitness for any particular purpose. You agree that you are releasing us from any liability that we may otherwise have to you in relation to or arising from this Agreement or our Services, for reasons including, but not limited to , failure of or service (including service interruptions or technical glitches,) negligence or any other reasons. may contain links to other parties advertising links and we are not responsible for their content or product warranties. These third party websites are not screened for privacy or security issues by, and you release us from any liability for the conduct of these third party websites. bears no responsibility for the information collected or used by any advertiser or third party website. Please review the privacy policy and terms of service for each site you visit through third party links.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless for any claims by you or any third party which may arise from or relate to this Agreement or the provision of our Service to you, including any damages caused by your use of our Services or acceptance of the offers contained on it. You agree that we are not responsible to you for anything that we may otherwise be responsible for, if it is the result of events beyond our control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, insurrection, riots, terrorism, crime, labour shortages (including lawful and unlawful strikes), embargoes, postal disruption, communication disruption, unavailability of payment processors, failure or shortage of infrastructure, shortage of materials, or any other event beyond our control.

In the event that a provision of this Agreement is found to be unlawful, conflicting with another provision of the Agreement, or otherwise unenforceable, the Agreement will remain in force as though it had been entered into without that unenforceable provision being included in it. If two or more provisions of this Agreement are deemed to conflict with each other’s operation, shall have the sole right to elect which provision remains in force. It is further agreed that the place of arbitration shall be New Delhi. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws in force in India. reserves all rights afforded to us under this Agreement as well as under the provisions of any applicable law. Our non-enforcement of any particular provision or provisions of this Agreement or any applicable law should not be construed as our waiver of the right to enforce that same provision under the same or different circumstances at any time in the future. We may terminate your access to our Site and Service at our discretion without explanation.

You may not assign your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to any other party without our prior written consent. We may assign our rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to any other party at our discretion. We may amend this Agreement from time to time. In future, it is free to price its Service or charge its users for all or any of features. Your continued use of our Service shall constitute your acceptance of any such amendments.

Do contact us to reach out for any feedback, suggestion, complaints.