
Tell me about yourself

Tell me about yourself

This is the most commonly asked interview question.
An ice breaker question. Not an easy one to answer unless you have prepared it well and know what to say.
You need to provide a quick snapshot of who you are as a person and as a professional and why you are the best candidate for this position.
Prepare and rehearse this question well in advance.
Give a brief about yourself through a compelling story to engage the interviewer. A good start will enable you to differentiate. Make the moment memorable.
• Keep it concise and memorable
• Give a strong 2 minutes pitch about yourself
• Bring out your 2-3 key strengths and accomplishments
• Tell why you are passionate and how you are a good fit for this job
• Remember first few minutes are crucial
• It is not a recital of your resume
• It is not about your hobbies or likes and dislikes
• It is not about where you were born or about your childhood
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• Describe yourself
• Tell us your story
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / quinntheislander
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