
Biggest natural experiment is underway

Biggest natural experiment is underway

Scientists run experiments in small, artificial labs with limited and constrained budgets. A few thousand dollars and a small sample size.
Coronavirus has made our whole world a natural lab, financed by trillion of dollars with billions of real people in this study.
This natural lab will provide many new insights over few next days to coming decades...
• How different countries fought this virus? (draconian to nudge interventions)
• Who was successful and how?
• Who emerged as the new winner?
• When did the best minds develop the vaccine?
• What will it take to improve the planets once again?
• How will be the wealth redistribution post this event?
• How humans coped with isolation?
• Did they experience behavioral fatigue?
• How did the event impact intimation, violence, births.. ?
• What new business models emerged?
• Many more.....
What are your observations? What is your insight on the biggest natural experiment?
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