
Did you face obstacles in your last project?

Did you face obstacles in your last project?

During work, we do face problems.
How do we solve these problems? Do we panic and create panic? Do we stay calm and seek support ? What do we do to move ahead? The interviewer is interested to know what tools, method, approaches we use to overcome problems. Show that you can bring in desired resources as well as people to overcome obstacles. Show your independence and that your boss also recognizes your skills, strengths and appreciates.
• Tell about a project and the problem you faced
• Tell about the problem - delayed material, machine breakdown etc and its impact on the project
• Show how you found creative solution or sought support and resolved the problem and delivered the project in time
• Share the lessons learnt
• I shook the system and created panic
• I informed my boss
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• When faced with an obstacle to an important project, what do you do?
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / geralt-9301
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