
How do you deal with stressful situations?

How do you deal with stressful situations?

Stress is not bad in itself. It is bad only when it is continuous. Show that you enjoy and thrive as these bring out creative juices.
A deadline here and there is not a problem. Show that at times it is positive to deliver work.
Tell about a crucial project deadline. Show how you handled the situation effectively and met the deadline.
• Tell about a project which was urgent and to be completed within the deadline
• You gathered team support and extra resources. Timely review and support enabled you to deliver the project in time
• Your approach is to fight instead of freeze or flight response
• Show your extracurricular activities beyond work e.g. sports, yoga help you to overcome stress
• Don't say you do not like such situations
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / qimono-1962238
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