
Is too many bad or good?

Is too many bad or good?

Too many cooks spoil the soup, goes an old saying
But folklorists see many cooks as an advantage. They say it takes four people to make a salad. A spendthrift to pour oil, a miser to add vinegar, a wise to season and a madman to stir it all up.
So what is the truth? Is too many bad or good?
Too many cooks do spoil the soup, when everyone is doing the same task.
In salad making, one of the most common flaws is an overabundance of vinegar and a miser can handle this activity well. A person with unique skill set is assigned for the activity.
The above resonates to me in our work life. A good boss does not find fault with his team members. He understands each team member's skills, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. He does more than simple delegation. He aligns the task with a person's unique skills. He shapes the task and knows when to step in with requisite support.
He knows how to best utilize his team members unique strengths and talents. He is a good leader, who wants every team member to succeed and inspires confidence in them due to his nurturing..
I salute to the bosses, from whom I picked up this insight of "shaping the task" and applied with my team members where everyone could flourish.
What is your take ? Anything to add, please?
Photo Adaptation
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