
What gets measured gets done

What gets measured gets done

Currently, we all are focused on covid-19. Rightly so as, it is a matter of our survival.
A focus on cases reported and deaths due to Covid are the most important metrics of the day.
The governments across the world have taken big steps to fight.
However our single focus on outcome metrics may lead to in attentional and, or motivated blindness.
We should also focus on the inputs, measurement process, incentives and gestalt view to ensure correct actions with minimum pain and costs.
Is our health system adequately stocked with testing kits, PPE, ventilators etc.? Do we need to shift manufacturing capacity to these essential items?
Is the measurement process correct? If enough testing is not taking place, wrong categorization & reporting is a big likelihood.
Are we too focused on only deaths due to Covid and overlooking overall normalized deaths? We might be missing the forest.
Are countries and reporting system incentivised to under report? An administrator who is responsible without adequate supplies or financial support.
Our view should not be influenced by "Where you stand depends on where you sit." but rather we should dare ourselves to see things objectively and comprehensively.
Else what gets measured will get managed.
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