
How will you survive a forest fire?

How will you survive a forest fire?

A forest fire is an uncontrolled event occurring in nature. With abundance of combustible material and air, it can spread fast and last for many days. Now check the following situation.
A fire team is hiking down a hill, where they plan to attack the fire. They are just five hundred meters away from the bottom of a hill, when they notice the fire spreading uphill.
All around them is flammable vegetation. Only sure way to safety is to reach to the top of the hill.
Due to high speed wind, the fire is moving up faster. In less than twenty minutes, the fire is expected to reach to the top of hill. Even the fastest runner can not cover the distance to the top of hill, before fire catches on him. You are also on this mission. How will survive this forest fire?
Photo Adaptation/Flickr/usfsregion5
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