
Will you ever choose a falling income?

Will you ever choose a falling income?

You are in an interview and the interviewer asks "Will you like to take this job with rising income (i.e. your income grows every year) or with falling income? "
This is not a difficult situation.
Who the hell wants a falling income?
Take a guess without reading any further.
As soon as you reply with, "I would like rising income."
He leaps to tell you "This shall be the trend for your rising income scenario , $30,000 the first year , $ 40,000 2nd year & $ 50,000 in the 3rd year"
He also adds to say that, "I can now put a close to the falling income offer for the same three year period where income was to be , $ 60,000 the first year, $ 50,000 2nd year & $ 40,000 in the 3rd year." You are stunned.
How will you ensure to make a correct choice in future?
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Whenever you hear choice its better to evaluate with details rather rushing to conclusions. Rush only if it is do and die and no time
this is new way of thinking !!now I will recommend reducing pattern.

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