
Are you rewarding your people correctly?

Are you rewarding your people correctly?

We often need to reward our children and team members.
Do we do it correctly. Let us check.
A group of students is given a set of puzzles and then they are divided in two groups.
Group A is prized for their ability and intelligence e.g. Wow, you got x number correct. That is a really good score. You must be good at this activity.
Group B is praised for their efforts. You must have worked really hard on these tasks.
During the next round, the students are given a choice of tasks.
They could choose an easier task or a challenging task from which they could learn a lot. What do you think will be the results?
Which group will choose the easier task and which would choose the challenging task? What are you rewarding your people for?
Photo Adaptation/Pixabay/sinisamaric1-3044277/
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