
What are your salary expectations?

What are your salary expectations?

If this question is being asked early in the interview stage then the interviewer is trying to figure out if you can be hired within the budget.
If the question is being asked at a later stage in the interview, then the interviewer is trying to figure out how much should be offered so that it is motivating to the candidate to make a switch and contribute.
f this question is in early stage of interview, bring out the opportunity of new job. The learning and challenges excite you about this job.
But ensure to do research about salary either from job sites, friends and should be well aware to carry out discussions at a later stage in the interview.
• Focus on the new job and new learning
• Push back the salary conversation till the offer is made
• Say you have not thought over it
• Flip the question and ask for salary grades
• Tell a tight range rather than a fixed number
• Don't be the first person to name a figure
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Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / quinntheislander
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