
What is your current salary?

What is your current salary?

Your current salary, your interest in the job, your negotiation ability and willingness to negotiate, employer’s interest in hiring impacts your proposed salary. Therefore it is important to push back answering this question. This question may be asked early or late in the interview. If it is very early in the interview, then you know it is to check if you can be hired within the budget. If it is late in the interview than interviewer is interested to make an offer based on current salary.
• Focus on the new job and learning
• Delay this question till the offer is made
• It is confidential. Ask why do you need to know
• Reverse the question and ask for salary grades
• Avoid sharing till offer is made
Similar Question
• Tell us your salary history
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / nikolayfrolochkin-2231981
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