
What is your (personal) moonshot?

What is your (personal) moonshot?

The USA President JFK inspired the whole nation by his moonshot speech of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth and rest is history.
Neil Armstrong became the first man to land on the moon. An inspiring, incredible mission accomplished within the time frame.
Above speech became famous as moonshot speech.
But what is a moonshot?
Moonshot is a difficult task whose outcome is expected to be of great significance.
How will you define personal moonshot?
What inspires you to burn endless energy and efforts?
Will it make a meaningful impact larger than you, to make the world a little better than what you inherited?
Take time to think about following questions for yourself.
• Do you have a dream to follow?
• What is the one thing you had most like to change about the society, community or your world?
• What are you willing to struggle for?
• What is your quest?
Choose a long term goal which is big, inspiring, realistic and you are willing to work for it.
Do not worry if you do not have ready answers. You are not alone. These questions are meant to set you thinking to discover your game!
Keep looking for answers to finalize your moonshot.
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / skeeze-272447/
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