
What risks do you see for yourself in this role?

What risks do you see for yourself in this role?

The interviewer is trying to understand your fears and apprehensions in the new position for which you are being interviewed.
While you have come for the interview, it is possible that role scares you
and the interviewer is trying to understand.
Be watchful for what you say. Show that you are excited and prepared to deliver.
• Show that you are excited about the new role
• Show that you have the skills, experience to ace the role
• Tell about new environment (colleagues, office etc) which you will get accustomed to
• Also show that you plan to be well prepared to take on this job before joining
• I am afraid but will take help from boss
• I am scared of your company's speed
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• What do you view as your risks and disadvantages with the position we are interviewing you for?
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / moise_theodor-2099584
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