
What will you do as a parent?

What will you do as a parent?

Every parent wants his child to be a successful person.
Our parents too wanted us to be successful and now we also wish the same for our children, that they do well in their life.
As a parent, we try to impart right lessons to our children. At times we succeed and other times we fail to impart the right lessons.
Read the following situation and see how will you handle this situation as a parent.
Summer holidays are over and schools are opening tomorrow. You are having dinner when your child announces that he had to finish a project report which needs to be submitted tomorrow.
When you ask why he did not do earlier, he has no answer since he was lost in the joyous freedom of holidays.
What will you do now as a parent?
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If it is first time then can move ahead with a little warning and help him to complete by overnight. But if it becomes a habit then a continuous monitoring is a obvious. This comes from lack of discipline, and need to focus that. If he can discipline himself, this type of negligence will automatically take care.

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