
How will you measure your life?

How will you measure your life?

Clay Christensen was the professor at Harvard Business School, who wrote many books and one of his book is about
" How will you measure your Life?"
This book is full of inspirations and wisdom not only for students, professionals but parents too. It focuses on application of business theories to discover career, relationship and personal strategy for the life.
Our career should be outcome of our priorities (meaningful life, growth, learning….), suited to opportunities and supported with allocation of our resources (energy, time, efforts....). priorities, opportunities and resources should be well aligned and we must walk the talk.
Intimate, loving and enduring relationships are worth fighting for. Go for deep friendships rather than shallow friendships with many. Invest in relations long before we need them. Don’t outsource parenting role. Equip children with the right experiences. This is the relationship strategy.
Personal strategy is one of living life of integrity and staying out of jail. Don’t go down the slope.
What are you striving for? Go ahead and figure out your career, relationship and personal strategy? Think through and find your own answers.
What are your goals and values against you will measure your life?
Photo Adaptation / Pixabay / pexels-2286921/
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