
What do elderly people need?

What do elderly people need?

Elderly residents of a nursing home were given a house plant. Half of the residents (A) were told that they were in control of plant's feeding and care. The other half (B) were informed that a staff person would take care of the plant.
A follow up study, introduced volunteer students' visit to the elderly people. In one group (A), the patient had control over the students' visit. They could decide the time and day of visit. The other group (B) had no such control and students visited as per their convenience.
Which group of elderly people will be happier and why?
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no matter how old one gets it always feels best when one is needed around and not neglected. In other words group A would be more happier than the other as it has more control and is needed for the plant's care. Also, the volunteer student can be called upon whenever and hence cater to their needs

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